Cable entry seals, also known as cable entry systems or cable glands, are designed to protect and secure cables as they pass through walls, panels, or enclosures. They provide several functions, including sealing, strain relief, and environmental protection. Here’s a detailed look at how they work:

1. Sealing

Cable entry seals create a barrier around the cable to prevent the ingress of dust, water, and other environmental contaminants. This is achieved through various design features:

2. Strain Relief

Cable entry seals provide mechanical support to the cable, preventing stress and damage where the cable enters the enclosure. This is particularly important in dynamic or high-vibration environments. Methods to achieve strain relief include:

3. Environmental Protection

Cable entry seals protect against various environmental factors, ensuring the integrity and longevity of the cable and the connected equipment:

4. Thermal and Electrical Isolation

In some applications, cable entry seals provide thermal and electrical insulation, protecting cables from extreme temperatures and preventing electrical interference:

5. Types of Cable Entry Seals

There are various types of cable entry seals designed for different applications and environments:

6. Installation

The installation process of cable entry seals involves several steps to ensure a proper fit and seal:

7. Maintenance and Inspection

Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of cable entry seals:


Cable entry seals are critical components in safeguarding cables and the systems they connect to from environmental hazards, mechanical stress, and electrical interference. By understanding their function and proper use, one can ensure reliable and long-lasting performance in a wide range of applications.

How Do Cable Entry Seals Work?